Wednesday, 4 May 2011

CAKES AND PIES IN ITALY -- Dolci e crostate in Italia

The sweet side of Italy....
Il lato dolce d'Italia

THIS was a magnificent pie made with 12 kinds of homemade jam!!!
Questa crostata fu creata con 12 tipi di marmellate fatte in casa!!

The same woman made this one too...
La stessa signora ha fatto anche questa....

Huge plate...tiny little creamy delicious sinful dessert!
Enorme piatto...minuscolo cremoso dolce!

A very special first time for me, cake made with Napolitano recipe.
Una prima volta per me...un dolce di ricetta di Napoli.

A birthday cake....homemade, of course delicious.
Un dolce per un compleanno...fatto in casa e molto buono!

A traditional dry fruitcake of this area....Torcolo di S. Costanzo
Un dolce alla frutta secca...di questa zona: il Torcolo di S. Costanzo

The famous ciaramicola made by Liliana....what a cook!
La ciaramicola fatta da Liliana....una cuoca bravissima!
Better not tell you just how delicious these were, or how fresh, or how creamy, or how sweet and wonderful!!!
Meglio non dirti quanto erano buone queste paste, o come erano fresche, o cremose, o dolce...o fantastiche!

They didn't last long....and every little crumb was removed from the tray!
Non hanno durato a lungo...ogni piccola briciola è stata mangiata dal vasoio!

Do we like cakes in Italy? OF COURSE!!! I still love the good old American pies and cakes of my childhood, but here too, there are some wonderful ones.
A noi piacciono i dolci in Italia? CERTO!! Mi piacciono sempre i dolci Americani della mia infanzia, ma anche qui ce ne sono molto buoni, e belli.

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Double images....

Double images....
LOVE the double or triple image maker on my Nikon D80. Just set it, and then take two or three pics.

What's the weather like now in Perugia?

Cold one day, sunny the next. Cold in the house. But we still need our coats or lightweight ones or padded jackets outside. Chilly, and not sunny. I like it like this, no problem for me.