Monday, 31 October 2011

Perugia and Pian di Massiano

Right near our house....

Proprio vicino a casa nostra....

a park with lots of golden trees...

un parco con tanti alberi color oro....

and all those tones that I love, Autumn colors...

e tutte le tonalità che adoro, i colori d'Autunno

where ducks gather, people run or walk

                                                            dove stanno i paperi, la gente che corre, le persone camminano

where you see in the distance a little house alone in the hills

dove vedi nella distanza una casa da sola in collina

and looking through a hole in a fence you get a clearer view of nature
e guardando da un buco in un recinto vedi una vista più chiara della natura.


Mauri said...

bellissimi colori!!!

Mauri said...

i colori autunnali sono fantastici!!!


The best way to know who I am is to see what I create. Take a look at this blog or my other one regarding my art.

Double images....

Double images....
LOVE the double or triple image maker on my Nikon D80. Just set it, and then take two or three pics.

What's the weather like now in Perugia?

Cold one day, sunny the next. Cold in the house. But we still need our coats or lightweight ones or padded jackets outside. Chilly, and not sunny. I like it like this, no problem for me.