Monday 23 March 2020

CORONAVIRUS - thoughts from American in Italy

WHERE you are born and HOW you are brought up, may be a factor whether you live or die in this new situation. This thought came to mind when just now I was thinking about New Zealand, because one of my daughters is now there. We were there long ago, and to tell you the truth, after several weeks there I was sometimes missing the confusion and the imperfection of Italy! Everything is so well organized, and people are so polite and things work beautifully. In a place like that, I am almost sure that they will be able to get people to STAY AT HOME and not to socialize even if their don't force people to do so.
Here in Italy there is just too much "I don't care" as a common attitude. Just the fact that people cut into line, or throw paper out of the windows, or get rid of their dogs thinking others will pick them up and take them home, THESE ATTITUDES are now being shown here. And not only here in Italy. I do believe that where people are very free, and if those free people are also egotistic, then we and they have a HUGE PROBLEM THAT COULD COST THEM THEIR OWN LIFE AND THOSE OF OTHERS.
How does that work? For those who don't know, I will tell you (remember I AM NO EXPERT, JUST AN AMERICAN LIVING IN ITALY).
1. You go to a party
2. At the party someone has no symptoms but they have the virus
3. You speak with that person, you are close to them. You get these microscopic droplets into your system.
4. You go home and for the next two weeks you feel fine. You have NO SYMPTOMS. BUT....who knows how many people you have infected!! You would not even be able to keep count!
5. Let's say one of these people, like one of your parents get this virus from you. They end up in the hospital. Now, YOU HAVE TO ISOLATE YOURSELF, ALONE LIKE A DOG AND.....
GET IN TOUCH WITH EVERYBODY ELSE THAT YOU WERE WITH DURING THAT TIME.. At their homes, at the office, at the bank, in a bar, at a gym, at the market, at a party, at a concert, on the bus, on the metro, on the sidewalk waiting for a film, in the movies, at a coffee shop, at the post office, at your relative's house, at an old-age home, and the list goes on. YOU HAVE INFECTED ALL OF THESE PEOPLE!!! YES YOU!!
IF you are lucky enough to understand that you don't have to be born in a Comunist country where there are enforced laws and if you don't follow them you could be in deep trouble, then maybe you will be able to understand the above. YOUR ACTIONS, AND YOUR CHILDREN'S ACTIONS, COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE!
And what about on the beach? We are seeing this NOW, TODAY, IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD. IS THAT OK? READ UP ABOUT IT!!!!!|!! IT IS NOT OK!
You put on sunscreen and another person uses the bottle, touches their face and eyes and mouth, and they have the virus from someone who didn't know they were contagious. This bottle and germs is being passed around, or drinks are being shared, cellphones and selfies. Towels, icecream, and holding hands and kisses. All these things now, yes, have to stop. IT IS NOT THE TIME!!!! READ UP ABOUT IT! PEOPLE ARE D Y I N G.
For some reason, probably also because they are so busy filling up hospitals and trying to save lives, are not telling us exactly the number of people who are young and dying. They are there.
We see plenty of posts about people online. Check it out, do your homework.
And shopping??? Once every two weeks for us is enough. We have a medium fridge, but those American fridges can hold enough for more than a month, or maybe two. If you don't have a lemon, or whatever, be without. It may cose you your life to go out! CHECK THE FACTS, AND CHECK THE SCIENTISTS.
Getting back to my beginning theme, about where one is born, I do think, some countries are more respectful of rules and regulations. Maybe lots of Americans are used to having police around, and lists of rules posted in gyms, schools, doctor offices. But, it has more to do with all sorts of things, and the big one is respect, RESPECT. Right now, RESPECT is going to save you, and me, and everyone. Hospitals are filling up so fast that they can't take everyone who needs them. They will fill up less if people do what the doctors are asking them to do, STAY AT HOME and this way less people will be contaged with the virus. IT IS SO SIMPLE, PLEASE, TRY TO UNDERSTAND!!

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Double images....

Double images....
LOVE the double or triple image maker on my Nikon D80. Just set it, and then take two or three pics.

What's the weather like now in Perugia?

Cold one day, sunny the next. Cold in the house. But we still need our coats or lightweight ones or padded jackets outside. Chilly, and not sunny. I like it like this, no problem for me.