Friday, 27 March 2020

Coronavirus MASKS -- words from China

Just spoke with my daughter who lives in China. She calls to share her experiences, give us advice and we listen.
Regarding masks, this is what she recommends, this is what China recommends:

When you leave your house, for example when you get into a parking lot PUT ON A MASK.
As she states, you do not know WHO was walking in that area BEFORE YOU. 
These are preventive measures for a very contatgious virus. In India, for example, where they don't have masks, they have been told to stay at home inside their houses for two months. Where we DO have masks, we should use them, as prevention. This is how they do it in China, and China has things under control now, so we should follow their example.

When you go into a closed area, such as a supermarket, there it is a good idea to use one of the heavier masks if you have one.

When you put on a surgical mask, pinch the nose area of the mask.
She also says that, if you use the mask for a short period of time, you can use it again and again (since there is such a shortage of masks). When you come home, HANG THE MASK, for example, on a hanger in order for it to dry. Be careful not to touch it with dirty hands, wash your hands before removing it.

Good luck to us all.

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Double images....

Double images....
LOVE the double or triple image maker on my Nikon D80. Just set it, and then take two or three pics.

What's the weather like now in Perugia?

Cold one day, sunny the next. Cold in the house. But we still need our coats or lightweight ones or padded jackets outside. Chilly, and not sunny. I like it like this, no problem for me.