Monday 18 August 2008

IN TV ---------------------------------------------------------------ON TV

Durante l'intervista con Fabiola e Luigi.
During the interview with Fabiola and Luigi.

Luigi Lelli, io, e Fabiola Gentili.
Luigi Lelli, me, and Fabiola Gentili.

L'allestimento della mostra durante l'intervista.
The exhibition set up during the interview.

E' venuta la troupe di Trg di Foligno per intervistarmi: l'operatore Luigi Lelli
e la giornalista Fabiola Gentili. Gentilissimi, ed anche molto bravi. Fabiola
mi ha fatto diverse domande in riguardo alla mia esperienza in Cina mentre
Luigi filmava me e diverse fotografie. E' andato in onda la sera
del 14 agosto. Grazie Luigi e Fabiola!
E grazie al mio giovane amico Alain Frenguelli,
figlio di grandi amici Valter e Germaine per avermi fatto
da fotografo durante la mattina. Bravo!
The troupe of Trg television of Foligno came to interview me: cameraman
Luigi Lelli and journalist Fabiola Gentili. Very nice and also very professional.
Fabiola asked me several questions about my experience in China while
Luigi filmed me and several of my photographs. It went on air the evening
of August 14th. Thanks Luigi and Fabiola! And thanks to my young
friend Alain Frenguelli, son of good friends Valter and Germaine for
being my photographer during the morning. Good going!

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The best way to know who I am is to see what I create. Take a look at this blog or my other one regarding my art.

Double images....

Double images....
LOVE the double or triple image maker on my Nikon D80. Just set it, and then take two or three pics.

What's the weather like now in Perugia?

Cold one day, sunny the next. Cold in the house. But we still need our coats or lightweight ones or padded jackets outside. Chilly, and not sunny. I like it like this, no problem for me.