Saturday 25 October 2008

PEACE...thinking about it ----------------------PACE....pensandone

When you empty your mind.....
quando svuoti la tua testa
PEACE gets into it....
LA PACE ci entra dentro
The difficult thing is...
La cosa difficile è
Thinking about nothing.
But it is a very peaceful thing to try to do.
Pensare a niente.
Ma è una cosa molto pacifico da fare.
This iPeace link is something that I check daily. And thinking about PEACE is a good thing, and a peaceful thing to do.
Try it.
Questo link iPeace è qualcosa che controllo giornalmente. E pensare alla PACE è una cosa buona, ed una cosa pacifica.
This is the link to iPeace....very interesting and inspiring
(the clouds, by the way, were seen in Italian skies)
(le nuvole, per la vostra informazione, erano viste nei cieli italiani)

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The best way to know who I am is to see what I create. Take a look at this blog or my other one regarding my art.

Double images....

Double images....
LOVE the double or triple image maker on my Nikon D80. Just set it, and then take two or three pics.

What's the weather like now in Perugia?

Cold one day, sunny the next. Cold in the house. But we still need our coats or lightweight ones or padded jackets outside. Chilly, and not sunny. I like it like this, no problem for me.